Is It Correct to Say “How Is It Going?”: Understanding Casual American US English Greetings


Ever caught yourself wondering if “How’s it going?” is actually correct? You’re not alone! This casual American greeting has puzzled many, from English learners to native speakers.

Picture this: You’re walking down the street when a friend calls out, “Hey! How’s it going?” It sounds natural, but is it proper English?

Well, let’s clear things up. “How is it going?” is not only correct, but it’s also a super popular way to greet someone in the USA. It’s friendly, casual, and perfect for everyday chats.

In this post, we’ll dive into the world of informal American greetings. We’ll explore where “How’s it going?” came from, what it really means, and when to use it. So, let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • “How is it going?” is a correct and common casual greeting in American English
  • The phrase originated from “How goes it?” dating back to at least 1592
  • It’s similar to but not exactly the same as “How are you?”
  • Context plays a crucial role in interpreting and responding to this greeting
  • There are various alternatives for different social situations

The Origins and Meaning of “How Is It Going?”

Suppose: You’re strolling down a bustling New York street when a friend spots you and calls out, “Hey! How’s it going?” It’s such a common phrase that we rarely stop to think about its origins. But let’s take a moment to unpack this linguistic gem.

“How is it going?” didn’t just pop up overnight. It’s actually a modern twist on an older phrase: “How goes it?” This granddaddy of greetings has been around since at least 1592. That’s right; Shakespeare might have used it!

Over time, as language evolved and people sought more relaxed ways of communicating, “How goes it?” morphed into the more familiar “How is it going?” By the late 19th century, this new version was rolling off tongues left and right.

But what does it really mean? At its core, “How is it going?” is asking about the general state of things. The “it” is wonderfully vague; it could refer to life in general, your day, a specific project, or pretty much anything else. It’s this flexibility that makes the phrase so versatile and popular.

In essence, when someone asks “How is it going?”, they’re saying:

  1. I acknowledge you
  2. I’m interested in your well-being
  3. I’m open to a casual conversation

It’s a social lubricant, a conversation starter, and a friendly gesture all rolled into one neat package. No wonder it’s become such a staple in American English!

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Common Misconceptions About “How’s It Going?”

Now that we’ve traced the roots of this phrase, let’s clear up some common mix-ups. You’d be surprised how many people scratch their heads over this seemingly simple greeting!

Is It the Same as “How Are You?”

Here’s a question I get a lot: Isn’t ‘How’s it going?’ just another way of saying ‘How are you?'” Well, yes and no. They’re like cousins related, but not identical twins.

  • “How are you?” is more direct. It’s asking specifically about you, your state of being. 
  • “How’s it going?”, on the other hand, is a bit more open-ended. It could be asking about you, but it could also be asking about your day, your job, or that project you mentioned last time.

In practice, though, most people use them interchangeably. The key is in the response. “How are you?” often invites a more personal answer, while “How’s it going?” is usually met with a quick “Good, thanks!” or “Not bad!”

Mishearing and Misinterpreting the Phrase

Ever heard someone say what sounds like “How’s going?” and wondered if they’ve forgotten a word? Don’t worry, you’re not losing your hearing! In fast, casual speech, the “it” in “How’s it going?” can almost disappear, leading to some confusion.

This is especially tricky for English learners. They might hear “How’s going?” and think it’s a different phrase entirely. But native speakers intuitively fill in the missing “it”, even if they don’t hear it clearly.

Another common misinterpretation is thinking “How’s it going?” is always a genuine question requiring a detailed answer. In reality, it’s often used as a simple greeting, much like “Hello.” The person asking doesn’t always expect a full report on your life!

The Role of Context in Interpreting “How Is It Going?”

The Role of Context in Interpreting "How Is It Going?"
“How Is It Going?”

Context is king when it comes to understanding “How is it going?” The meaning can shift dramatically depending on the situation. Let’s break it down:

  1. Passing encounters: If you’re rushing past someone on the street and they throw out a quick “How’s it going?”, they’re probably not looking for a detailed response. A simple “Good, thanks!” is perfect here.
  2. Social gatherings: At a party or casual meet-up, “How’s it going?” might be an invitation to chat. You could respond with a bit more detail about your day or recent events.
  3. Work environment: In a professional setting, “How’s it going?” could be a casual check-in about a project or task. Your boss asking this might warrant a more specific update.
  4. Close relationships: With good friends or family, “How’s it going?” might be a genuine inquiry into your well-being, inviting a more honest and detailed response.

Remember, the tone, body language, and existing relationship all play a part in interpreting this flexible phrase. It’s all about reading the room!

Appropriate Situations for Using “How Is It Going?”

Now that we’ve cleared up some misconceptions, let’s talk about when it’s appropriate to use this casual greeting. After all, you wouldn’t want to walk into a job interview with a breezy “How’s it going?” (Or would you? We’ll get to that!)

Casual vs. Formal Occasions

“How is it going?” is like your favorite pair of comfy jeans perfect for casual occasions, but maybe not the best choice for a black-tie event. Here’s a quick guide:

Great for:

  • Chatting with friends
  • Casual work environments
  • Social gatherings
  • Coffee shop encounters
  • Neighborhood interactions

Maybe think twice:

  • Formal business meetings
  • Job interviews (unless the company culture is very casual)
  • Academic presentations
  • Meeting your partner’s parents for the first time
  • Royal audiences (just in case you find yourself at Buckingham Palace!)

But here’s the thing American culture is becoming increasingly casual. What was once considered too informal for certain situations is now often acceptable. It all depends on the specific context and the relationship between the speakers.

Pro tip: If you’re unsure, err on the side of formality. You can always relax your language later, but it’s harder to become more formal once you’ve set a casual tone.

Understanding the Nuances of “How Is It Going?” in Conversation

Alright, let’s dive deeper into the fascinating world of conversational nuances. Using “How is it going?” effectively is like mastering a dance it requires rhythm, timing, and an understanding of your partner’s moves.

Tone and Body Language

The way you say “How’s it going?” can completely change its meaning. A cheerful, upbeat tone with a smile suggests a genuine interest in starting a conversation. A hurried, distracted delivery might indicate it’s just a passing greeting.

Timing is Everything

  • Beginning of an interaction: Here, “How’s it going?” serves as an ice-breaker or conversation starter.
  • Middle of a conversation: It could signal a change in topic or a genuine inquiry about a specific situation previously discussed.
  • End of an interaction: It might be a way of wrapping up, similar to “Take care” or “See you later.”

Cultural Considerations

In some cultures, asking about someone’s well-being expects a detailed, honest response. In American culture, it’s often just a friendly acknowledgment. Be aware of these differences, especially when interacting with people from diverse backgrounds.

The Follow-up

How you respond to the other person’s answer can also shape the interaction. If they say “Not bad,” and you immediately launch into your own story, you might miss an opportunity for a deeper conversation. A simple “Oh yeah? How come?” can open up a whole new dialogue.

Remember, “How is it going?” is more than just words it’s a social tool. Use it wisely, and you’ll find it opens doors to more meaningful interactions!

How to Respond to “How Is It Going?”

How to Respond to "How Is It Going?"
How to Respond to “How Is It Going?”

So, someone’s just hit you with a “How’s it going?” What now? Don’t panic! I’ve got you covered with some strategies for smooth sailing through this social situation.

Polite Acknowledgment and Reciprocation

The most common response to “How’s it going?” is a brief, positive acknowledgment followed by returning the question. It’s like a verbal handshake. 

Here are some classic responses:

  • “Good, thanks! How about you?”
  • “Not bad. You?”
  • “Can’t complain. How’re you doing?”
  • “Pretty good. How’s it going with you?”

These responses accomplish three things:

  1. They answer the question (albeit briefly)
  2. They maintain a positive tone
  3. They keep the conversation flowing by asking about the other person

Remember, in most casual situations, people aren’t looking for a detailed answer. This quick back-and-forth is often just a way to acknowledge each other before moving on to other topics or activities.

When to Share More Than Just “Fine” or “Good”

While the brief responses above work in most situations, there are times when a more detailed answer might be appropriate. Here’s when you might want to elaborate:

  1. Close relationships: If a good friend or family member asks, they might genuinely want to know how you’re doing.
  2. Follow-up questions: If someone responds to your “Good, thanks” with “Oh yeah? What’s been good?”, they’re inviting more detail.
  3. Specific contexts: If you’re at a networking event or in a situation where making connections is important, a more detailed response could open up further conversation.
  4. When you need support: If you’re not doing well and need to talk, it’s okay to be honest with people you trust.

Example of a more detailed response: “It’s going pretty well, thanks! Just finished a big project at work, so I’m feeling accomplished. How about you?”

This response gives the other person something to latch onto for further conversation if they’re interested.

Remember, it’s all about reading the situation. If you’re rushing past someone in the hallway, stick to the brief response. If you’re settling in for a coffee with a friend, feel free to give them the real scoop!

Alternatives to “How Is It Going?” for Varied Interactions

While “How is it going?” is a versatile phrase, sometimes you might want to mix it up a bit. Here are some alternatives that can add flavor to your greetings:

  1. What’s up? This ultra-casual greeting is perfect for very informal situations, especially with peers or younger people.
  2. How are you doing? A slight step up in formality from “How’s it going?“, this can work in both casual and slightly more formal settings.
  3. How’s everything? This broadens the scope, potentially inviting a more detailed response about various aspects of life.
  4. How’ve you been? Great for when you haven’t seen someone in a while. It acknowledges the passage of time since your last interaction.
  5. How’s life treating you? A friendly, slightly playful way to ask about someone’s general well-being.
  6. What’s new? This invites the other person to share any recent developments or changes in their life.
  7. How’s your day going? More specific than “How’s it going?”, this focuses on the current day’s events.
  8. How are things? A general inquiry that can refer to work, personal life, or any current situations the person might be dealing with.
  9. How’s everything going? Similar to “How’s it going?”, but with a slight implication of asking about multiple aspects of life.
  10. What’s the good word? A playful, slightly old-fashioned way of asking “What’s new?” or “How are you?”

Remember, the key to using these alternatives effectively is to match them to the situation and your relationship with the person you’re greeting. A casual “What’s up?” might be perfect for a friend but could be too informal for a work superior.

Also, be prepared for the possibility that using a less common greeting might throw some people off! They might be so used to the standard “How’s it going?” that they need a moment to process a different phrase. But don’t let that stop you from spicing up your greetings – variety is the spice of life, after all!

Final Words

“How’s it going?” is a totally legit American greeting. It’s casual, friendly, and super common. This phrase has been around for ages, evolving from “How goes it?” in the 1500s. While it’s similar to “How are you?“, it’s a bit more open-ended. Context matters when using and responding to this greeting. It’s perfect for casual chats but might be too relaxed for formal situations. Remember, it’s often just a friendly hello, not a deep inquiry. There are plenty of alternatives too, like “What’s up?” or “How’ve you been?”. So next time someone asks you “How’s it going?”, you’ll know exactly what’s up!


Is it right to say how is it going? 

Absolutely! “How is it going?” is a correct and widely used casual greeting in American English. It’s a friendly way to acknowledge someone and potentially start a conversation.

How is it going correct grammar? 

“How is it going?” is grammatically correct. It’s a question asking about the state or progress of something (the “it”), which could refer to life in general, someone’s day, or a specific situation.

What is the meaning of “how’s it going”? 

“How’s it going” is an informal way of asking “How are you?” or “How are things progressing?”. It’s a general inquiry about someone’s well-being or the status of a situation. Often, it’s used as a simple greeting without expecting a detailed response.

How to ask someone how is it going? 

To ask someone “How is it going?”, simply approach them with a friendly demeanor and say the phrase. You can adjust your tone based on the situation:

  • Casual: “Hey! How’s it going?”
  • Slightly more formal: “Hello, how is it going?”
  • With emphasis on genuine interest: “So, how’s it going with you?”

How to reply to how is it going? 

There are several ways to reply, depending on the context:

  • Brief and positive: “Good, thanks! How about you?”
  • Neutral: “Not bad. You?”
  • Honest (if appropriate): “Actually, I’m having a tough day. How about you?”
  • Detailed (for closer relationships): “Pretty good! Just finished a big project at work. How are things with you?”

How else to say how’s it going? 

There are many alternatives to “How’s it going?”. Here are a few:

  • What’s up?
  • How are you doing?
  • How’s everything?
  • How’ve you been?
  • What’s new?
  • How’s life treating you?
  • How’s your day going?
  • How are things?

Choose the alternative that best fits the level of formality and your relationship with the person you’re greeting.

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About the author

Howdy, an enthusiastic English educator, founded English Recaps to simplify the grammar rules and vocabulary that fluster many into bite-sized lessons. With expertise developing curriculums and teaching high school English, Howdy transforms tricky language concepts into straightforward 5-minute recaps focused on the core ideas needed for actual communication. Join the English Recaps community for simplified English lessons minus the headache.

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